Saved searches

To make searching for assets as quick and convenient as possible for you, TESSA allows you to save your searches and call them up again quickly.

You can simply save your current search by clicking on ‘Save search’ above the asset display in the content area. In the following dialog, you can give your search a name that is as descriptive as possible to make it easy to find again. You can also choose whether the search should only be visible to you or to all users of TESSA, e.g. if you have created a particularly useful search and want to share it with your colleagues. Finally, you can choose whether a collection should be created directly for the results of your search; collections are explained in more detail in the chapter Collection / Cart.

To access the saved searches, simply click on the ‘Saved searches’ tab and then on ‘Manage’. A new window will open and list all saved searches, regardless of whether they were created by you or another user. You can recognize shared searches by the fact that they are preceded by an eye symbol and display the name of the creator and the creation date as hover text when you move the mouse over the symbol.

Via the context menu of a saved search you can perform various actions on it, the ‘Detail’ you can display the details of the search again, including any existing publications that are based on this search. You can read more about the publications in the chapter Share / Publications.

You can change the properties of the search by clicking on the ‘Edit’ function. This ranges from the name to the individual search filters, which are displayed here again in separate tabs analogous to the search.

You can delete individual saved searches using the ‘Delete’ function. There are two ways to execute a saved search. You can select the ‘Execute’ function in the context menu of a search or you can return to the search form. There, under the ‘Saved searches’ tab, you will now find a list of every search you have created or shared with all users and can easily execute it with a click of the mouse.

The ‘Share / Publish’ function allows you to publish the result of the saved search, e.g. as a download link or in a portal. We deal with publications in more detail in chapter Share / Publications.

Finally, you can use the ‘Publications’ function to check exactly where and how the result of the search has already been published, e.g. to better understand the paths of the assets and to check who needs to be notified when some assets are updated.